Tuesday, June 3, 2008

My first race

Michael asked me last night if I wrote in my blog about my thing on Sunday. When I said no, he was surprised so I figured I should mention my little achievement.

Well, I finally signed up for a race (thanks to my good friend's Kate request- thanks girl for initiating this!). It was a 10K ZOOMA run in Annapolis, MD and now that I did it, I understand why some become addicted to racing. There is an adrenaline rush going, a high that keeps you going and makes you give your best. 10K is only 6.241 miles to be exactly, and that's a distance that I often run on my regular work outs. I figured I can do it without too much effort.

The results came in yesterday and in my age group of 25-29, I finished on the 8th spot, with the time of 51:47. I was also on the 25th place overall, out of 609 female runners for the 10k race.


melissa said...

Congratulations! That's fantastic news :)

Anonymous said...

wow, Felicia, those are awesome results! you go girl! i always wished i could enjoy running. any thoughts on taking part in more races?


studiocitro said...

so proud of yoU!!!

Roxi Ro said...

That's awesome. We have to do a race together.